Back in the 1970s Richard Nixon called for the “Silent Majority” to step forward to stop the loud minority of Vietnam war protestors, those who he saw as trying to destroy America, while we saw ourselves as the ones trying to save America! Today I belive that the roles are reversed the “loud minority” are the ones that are hijacking our country and dividing it along racial and monetary lines! Fighting against this loud minority is a “Silent majority This “silent majority” elected a black man President, one who gave us all hope for a better and brighter future and yet that “loud minority” who lost the election succeeded in creating a political climate based on racial hatred and wedge issues like gay marriage, abortion and gun rights and unfounded fears of totalitarian takeovers, that the President’s administration  is left in political shambles. From the start of his first term the Republican “minority” has done everything they can do to set him up fail, but yet we the silent majority still elected him for a second term. Why? Because he represents a majority of the people of our nation! It’s a majority that wants to see people be able to marry the person they love, who want to see sensible gun control and action to save the planet from global warming, and to take actions like the following from Richard Reich’s post Robert Reich: Why Dems Lost The Election And What They Can Do About It
We need to raise the minimum wage, invest in education and infrastructure, lift the cap on income subject to Social Security payroll taxes, resurrect Glass-Steagall and limit the size of the banks, make it easier for low-wage workers to unionize, raise taxes on corporations with high ratios of CEO pay to average worker pay, and much more. Read More
Reich concludes the post with the following….
In other words, we need an agenda for shared prosperity. Over the next two years the Democrats have an opportunity to advance one. If they fail to do so, we’ll need a new opposition party that represents the interests of the vast majority.
I believe that the latter is the case, we need a new opposition party to counterbalance the Tea Party! Many of the Tea Party members appear to be less than the smartest people around and yet they are winning! So they can’t be that stupid! Can you say sly like a fox! I can’t believe that there are not people of higher intelligence out there that can lead our new opposition party to great heights!! I for one am damn tired of hiding my liberalism! I am a liberal for one reason I believe in the precepts of the Declaration of Independence that all men are created equal and we should love, honor and respect all humanity regardless of their race, creed or sexual orientation and that our government was founded on the ideal that government is there to promote the general welfare of the people of our nation, it says so right in the preamble of the Constitution….
We the people of the United States, in order to form a more perfect union, establish justice, insure domestic tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general welfare, and secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.
I don’t think that either political party has done that, and while I don’t think a new political party has a chance of supplanting the Democratic Party, I do think that a Americans United party has the ability to show the Democrats that, we the “Silent Majority” have their backs and if we do maybe they can grow a spine!!
So now I will adjust the words of Abraham Lincoln a little….
“A house divided against itself cannot stand.”
I believe this government cannot endure, permanently 1% rich and 99% poor,
I believe this government cannot endure permanently 1% politically powerful (can you say Koch Bros! and 99% feeling powerless and afraid!
It is time for those who believe that our government CAN promote the general welfare of all Americans to Unite and take our country back and return it to greatness by moving it forward into the 21st century! It is not a time to look back, the age  where we are individuals  is gone!  Our country is a  community not a collection of individuals going it alone!!  So Americans Unite! Edward is now stepping down from his soap box… Any thoughts??