Listen Up -What's Your Favorite Song with Onomatopoeia in the title?? (Video)

Ok, so last night I thought would be clever and ask what was your favorite song, that uses the word Onomatopoeia in the title figuring that John Prine, ever the original, was the only one who used the word in the title of a song! Wrong!! I went to Spotify and there I found several songs using the word in the title. Now, I will ask in all seriousness; “What is your favorite song with “Onomatopoeia” in the title!!

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The Iraq Crisis – Can Iraq save Itself? Ramblings of an Old Political Science Major!

So from the moment that the US began the invasion of Iraq, I thought that it was wrong! To me, it was obvious from everything that I read that the country was deeply divided between the Sunnis, Shiites and Kurds and that the lynch pin holding everything together was brutal regime of Saddam Hussein, so that once the pin was removed the country would explore just like a grenade!….

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This Day in History -Trooping the Colour Day, Flag Day, Have some Bourbon….music by John Lee Hooker!!

Today is Trooping the Colour Day in the United Kingdom, as well as, the Official Birthday of the Queen from Wikipedia….
Trooping the Colour is a ceremony performed by regiments of the British and Commonwealth armies. It has been a tradition of British infantry regiments since the 17th century, although the roots go back much earlier. On battlefields, a regiment’s colours, or flags, were used as rallying points. Consequently, regiments would have their ensigns slowly march with their colours between the soldiers’ ranks to enable soldiers to recognise their regiments’ colours.
It’s also the day that the Continental Congress founded the First Continental Army. Coincidence?

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Listmania – My Top 10 All-Time Favorite Folk Artists…….

I have tried to stay away from lists on this blog. The main reason is that I find it very hard to rank artists. I think that’s because my favorite is always the one that I’m listening to at the moment and also that I know I’m going to forget someone. This list actually is a list of the “Roots” of my folk music listening. These are the artists that have been with me for the whole ride, from vinyl to 8 track, cassettes, CD and the iPod. Should there be a woman or two on the list probably maybe Joni Mitchell, Judy Collins Emmylou Harris, probably but these guys are the core!! This is the first hopefully of several posts that will become pages on my site. Let’s see there’s the top branches, artist that I love from the 80s and 90s and then the leaves from the 2000s! How about songs?? I don’t know if I can go there!! Anyway let me know who I forgot and then maybe I need to expand the list!!

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Remembering Journalist William Worthy (1921-2014) Democracy Now and "The Ballad of William Worthy" – Phil Ochs (videos)

This morning when I went out to run some errands I took the iPod with me and set it on shuffle songs.Phil Ochs’ song “The Ballad of William Worthy” came on about in the middle of the trip. Since Mr Worthy died on the 4th of last month (May), I’ll take the playing of the song as a sign that I should take a few moments to reflect on the life of a very important journalist that we should all know a little more about!!

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Today's Celebrations – Mother's Day in Sweden, Independence Day in Jordan and Towel Day!!

So this afternoon, when I went to Wikipedia to research jazz trumpeter Wallace Roney, who celebrates his 54th birthday today, my eyes wandered down the Wikipedia main page to check what national holidays were being celebrated today. I saw that…… Mother’s Day is being celebrated in Algeria, France, Morocco and …

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