Grover Cleveland Marries in the White House – June 2, 1886

Grover Cleveland’s Bride Frances Folsom is 27 years his junior!!

On June 2, 1886 Grover Cleveland became the first US president to be married in the White House and guess what it was kinda’ creepy! At the time of his marriage, Grover Cleveland was a forty-nine  year-old bachelor. The woman he married Francs Folsom was 22 year-old. She was the daughter of Cleveland’s late best friend and law partner Oscar Folsom. Frances, at the time of their marriage, had known Cleveland  from birth. In fact, she used to climb on his knee and call him “Uncle Cleve”. Frances’ father Oscar Folsom died when she was 11. Upon Oscar’s death, Cleveland became Frances legal guardian Cleveland  remained close friends with her mother to the point that many thought Cleveland  would marry her, but no! Instead Cleveland wed young Frances or Frank as Cleveland called her!
Grover Cleveland had survived a scandal, when during the 1884 Presidential Election….

…on July 21, 1884, the Buffalo Evening Telegraph broke a story many in upstate New York had long known to be true—that 10 years earlier, a woman named Maria Halpin had given birth in that city to a son with the surname Cleveland and then been taken to a mental asylum while the child was adopted by another family. Read More

Could you imagine the scandal that would arise if a 49 year-old Bill Clinton had married a Monica Lewinsky type woman, who was 27 years his junior in the White House?  Add in the facts that she had known “Uncle Bill” since birth and Bill was her legal guardian and you have a full-blown scandal!!!  As an added bonus, the marriage comes after he had fathered an illegitimate child! Oh the scandals!!
Speaking of the Clinton’s and scandals I read a great post this evening at Truthdig from Joe Conason: What Clintons Do Is ‘Scandalous,’ What Republicans Do Is Ignored

Whenever a transgression against transparency is charged against the Clintons, whether real, alleged or invented, America’s political media rise up in sustained outrage. From the offices of The New York Times’ Washington bureau to the Manhattan studio of MSNBC’s “Morning Joe,” journalists bitterly protest Hillary Clinton’s erased emails and her family foundation’s fundraising methods. And they will surely snap and snark about her “scandals” from now until Election Day.
Which, under present circumstances, might be justified—she happens to be running for president—except for one glaring problem. Very few in the press corps apply the same standards to any Republican politician.
Nobody will ever get to see the thousands of messages erased from the private email account used by former Secretary of State Colin Powell when he held that high office. He got rid of them and got away with it (as most likely did former Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice, who implausibly claimed not to have used email, when the State Department asked for hers). Continue Reading

Conason closes the post with the following…

Which other presidential candidates are involved in such nonprofit nastiness? How many used private email accounts and conveniently lost the archives? Voters will probably never find out—because nobody named Clinton is involved.

How true a Clinton or Obama could never get away with anything like Grover Cleveland did in 1884 and 1886!!
P.S.. Throughout the 1884 campaign, the cry was “Ma. Ma, Where’s my pa!” , when Grover Cleveland won the phrase was turned into “Ma Ma Where’s my Pa, went to the White House, ha,ha,ha!”.Again,I don’t think that would happen today!
Ma,Ma, Where's My Pa - Grover Cleveland 1884

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